When I embarked 7 months ago I described my plan as a travel journey. I inherently knew it was spiritually initiated and that the activity and outcome was healing. The travel has just begun as I am finally outside of CA and the familiar embrace of family, friends, place, and experience. I am tempted to judge the events that changed my plan. Pausing though, I am grateful for the slow pace at which things have unraveled and know that had it gone as I attempted to plan it, I would be different than I am now. Better or worse off? Not a question meriting attention. What is worth considering is the utter harmony and ease that can be our actuality when we engage in our life with curiosity and wonder instead of controlling and judgment. That is my current experience; that is healing.
Transforming the way we interpret ourselves and our participation with the world from judgment to curiousity is a paradigm shift that affords heightened joy, connection, relatedness, and peace. It assuages our tending to us vs. them and right vs. wrong. It is fundamental to unity. Unity is a broad reaching state that includes infinite more personal states we desire. Do you want to get along better with a co-worker? Become curious. Ask them a question about who they are or what they like. Do you want more free time to feel more united with yourself? Become curious about how you currently spend your time. Most of us can find at least one thing we do that doesn’t genuinely nurture us but that we believe makes us more important or connected. An example for me would be attending a social gathering when what my soul is truly longing for is quiet. I don’t want to “miss out” – I sometimes have this silly condition I call “FMS” (Fear of Missing Something). If I am curious, I will notice how I feel when I don’t heed my own inner voice and perhaps find the motivation to choose more wisely for myself next opportunity. If I judge the situation, the appearance that others seem to be fulfilled doing this activity and question why aren’t I or even judge myself for not being authentic, there’s little room and empowerment for awareness and choice - I’m just irritated at that point and incapable of imagining something different.
Curiosity and wonder are streams that help guide us down the river of our life. Like rivers, each of us is pouring into the infinite sea of life. Are you
polluting or purifying? It matters not your current answer. Your next
action, however, is the one that defines the state of your experience. Become curious, wonder a little before you come to a conclusion, choose wisely!
Transforming the way we interpret ourselves and our participation with the world from judgment to curiousity is a paradigm shift that affords heightened joy, connection, relatedness, and peace. It assuages our tending to us vs. them and right vs. wrong. It is fundamental to unity. Unity is a broad reaching state that includes infinite more personal states we desire. Do you want to get along better with a co-worker? Become curious. Ask them a question about who they are or what they like. Do you want more free time to feel more united with yourself? Become curious about how you currently spend your time. Most of us can find at least one thing we do that doesn’t genuinely nurture us but that we believe makes us more important or connected. An example for me would be attending a social gathering when what my soul is truly longing for is quiet. I don’t want to “miss out” – I sometimes have this silly condition I call “FMS” (Fear of Missing Something). If I am curious, I will notice how I feel when I don’t heed my own inner voice and perhaps find the motivation to choose more wisely for myself next opportunity. If I judge the situation, the appearance that others seem to be fulfilled doing this activity and question why aren’t I or even judge myself for not being authentic, there’s little room and empowerment for awareness and choice - I’m just irritated at that point and incapable of imagining something different.
Curiosity and wonder are streams that help guide us down the river of our life. Like rivers, each of us is pouring into the infinite sea of life. Are you
polluting or purifying? It matters not your current answer. Your next
action, however, is the one that defines the state of your experience. Become curious, wonder a little before you come to a conclusion, choose wisely!