Tempest: A violent commotion, disturbance or tumult (a highly distressing agitation of the mind or feeling).
I received a phone call from my mom this morning. She wanted to remind me that people are waiting for my blog “…just a few paragraphs a day even if it’s not deep the way you typically are” she said. I told her that I knew I needed to get to it but that I was still unraveling from the tempest.
The tempest was the entire process of packing up my home, my sanctuary. The tempest was saying no to viable architecture projects, watching clients hire other firms to complete good work that I could have been readily handed, it was saying goodbye to the business that afforded me this opportunity to explore myself. The tempest was
holding a ten year old child in my arms and letting her weep with sadness over my departure. Tears flow now as I write that. The tempest is knowing that I won’t be
dropping by my parents for dinner when I’m hungry and just finishing up teaching
a spin class. The tempest is even the realization that so many people will miss me, that I have an impact on so many lives. And isn’t that what I write about all the time? – about paying attention to our impact.
For the past week, I have been relatively AWOL. I have given myself time to refuel my
emotional tank. I watched, with childlike curiosity, the behavior and patterns of people around me. Some questions I am contemplating: Why do we love to watch the sunset? What is it that drives us to set out a lawn chair, afford the precious time, and whip out our camera for a sunset? It happens every day for crying out loud! There is a litany of other things that also happen every day that we don’t give one iota of thought to. I’ll report back on this sunset thing later. Another big question is: Why do we let fear stop us from following our heart’s desire? It’s so socially acceptable to feel trapped and limited by “things” that are truly in our control – assuming that is that you agree that we are in control of fear – which is my friends, just one among many emotions we readily and naturally feel. These and so many more questions to explore…later, I want more time to find my balance.
So, I live in an RV…some days, I cannot decide if I’m having an identity crisis or chasing the dream. The real learning is in accepting that dichotomy. The lesson for me is not trying to control the outcome either way.
Week One: Where have I been and what have I been doing? I will let the pictures speak! (Click on a photo to see a description)
I received a phone call from my mom this morning. She wanted to remind me that people are waiting for my blog “…just a few paragraphs a day even if it’s not deep the way you typically are” she said. I told her that I knew I needed to get to it but that I was still unraveling from the tempest.
The tempest was the entire process of packing up my home, my sanctuary. The tempest was saying no to viable architecture projects, watching clients hire other firms to complete good work that I could have been readily handed, it was saying goodbye to the business that afforded me this opportunity to explore myself. The tempest was
holding a ten year old child in my arms and letting her weep with sadness over my departure. Tears flow now as I write that. The tempest is knowing that I won’t be
dropping by my parents for dinner when I’m hungry and just finishing up teaching
a spin class. The tempest is even the realization that so many people will miss me, that I have an impact on so many lives. And isn’t that what I write about all the time? – about paying attention to our impact.
For the past week, I have been relatively AWOL. I have given myself time to refuel my
emotional tank. I watched, with childlike curiosity, the behavior and patterns of people around me. Some questions I am contemplating: Why do we love to watch the sunset? What is it that drives us to set out a lawn chair, afford the precious time, and whip out our camera for a sunset? It happens every day for crying out loud! There is a litany of other things that also happen every day that we don’t give one iota of thought to. I’ll report back on this sunset thing later. Another big question is: Why do we let fear stop us from following our heart’s desire? It’s so socially acceptable to feel trapped and limited by “things” that are truly in our control – assuming that is that you agree that we are in control of fear – which is my friends, just one among many emotions we readily and naturally feel. These and so many more questions to explore…later, I want more time to find my balance.
So, I live in an RV…some days, I cannot decide if I’m having an identity crisis or chasing the dream. The real learning is in accepting that dichotomy. The lesson for me is not trying to control the outcome either way.
Week One: Where have I been and what have I been doing? I will let the pictures speak! (Click on a photo to see a description)