I'm doing it...entering the public discussion of our upcoming election. Not with intention to sway your vote or to promote a particular party or economic strategy nor social policy. I'm entering the discussion to suggest a new way of evaluating our options.
I’ve always questioned the two party system in America. I’ve promoted a system wherein we have three presidents with three equal votes. No more stalemates, no more fighting on party lines. No more either/or. Choice is freedom. The more choices we have, the more we believe our destiny is in our hands. Since it’s not probable that we will shift from our current bipartisan system, I want to encourage voting based upon an essential value system that is not attached to being a Republican or a Democrat, Blue or Red.
In a recent conversation I discovered that I have a filter through which I pass all political dialog. My filter is this: Is the foundation of what’s being presented love or fear? The world I want to live in is founded upon love and unlimited potential. Stick with me those of you who are reading and thinking this is going down the touchy feely, spiritual and impossible Pollyanna realm. Love as I define it in this context is: concern for the well-being of myself and others (from the dictionary) and from it’s Latin origin: to be pleasing. Fear as I define it in this context is: a distressing emotion aroused by threat (real or imagined) and from it’s Latin origin: disaster. Defined as such I trust it’s easy for you to follow my logic: is this candidate promoting their agenda with a basis of well-being for all and is it pleasing? Or is this candidate promoting their agenda on a basis of an impending threat or disaster? Am I being encouraged by this proposed policy to empower myself and others to a more full expression of freedom or am I being encouraged to protect myself from others and view my freedom in competition with others?
The upside to my filter is that I make my political choices based upon the world I want to live in. For me, that’s empowering - both myself and others.
I believe that the best way to make our vote count is to place it based upon our highest belief. Today, I ask you to set aside parties and forget liberal vs. conservative and simply listen to the message being presented. Check the message against your core values. Does it feel “right” to you? Do you feel empowered by the ideas being presented? Does the policy support freedom, justice and liberty for all? Politics is a system that suggests the only option is us against them, fundamentally fear-based. This notion appeals to the fight or flight instinct in humans and that’s why it seems impossible to change. Change is possible. It starts with me, it starts with you. Make your vote count!
I’ve always questioned the two party system in America. I’ve promoted a system wherein we have three presidents with three equal votes. No more stalemates, no more fighting on party lines. No more either/or. Choice is freedom. The more choices we have, the more we believe our destiny is in our hands. Since it’s not probable that we will shift from our current bipartisan system, I want to encourage voting based upon an essential value system that is not attached to being a Republican or a Democrat, Blue or Red.
In a recent conversation I discovered that I have a filter through which I pass all political dialog. My filter is this: Is the foundation of what’s being presented love or fear? The world I want to live in is founded upon love and unlimited potential. Stick with me those of you who are reading and thinking this is going down the touchy feely, spiritual and impossible Pollyanna realm. Love as I define it in this context is: concern for the well-being of myself and others (from the dictionary) and from it’s Latin origin: to be pleasing. Fear as I define it in this context is: a distressing emotion aroused by threat (real or imagined) and from it’s Latin origin: disaster. Defined as such I trust it’s easy for you to follow my logic: is this candidate promoting their agenda with a basis of well-being for all and is it pleasing? Or is this candidate promoting their agenda on a basis of an impending threat or disaster? Am I being encouraged by this proposed policy to empower myself and others to a more full expression of freedom or am I being encouraged to protect myself from others and view my freedom in competition with others?
The upside to my filter is that I make my political choices based upon the world I want to live in. For me, that’s empowering - both myself and others.
I believe that the best way to make our vote count is to place it based upon our highest belief. Today, I ask you to set aside parties and forget liberal vs. conservative and simply listen to the message being presented. Check the message against your core values. Does it feel “right” to you? Do you feel empowered by the ideas being presented? Does the policy support freedom, justice and liberty for all? Politics is a system that suggests the only option is us against them, fundamentally fear-based. This notion appeals to the fight or flight instinct in humans and that’s why it seems impossible to change. Change is possible. It starts with me, it starts with you. Make your vote count!